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Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Medical Equipment //

All Jet Rescue´s Aircraft are stocked with all the equipment and supplies necessary to provide emergency medical and intensive care services on scene and during transport, including: LifePort or Spectrum stretcher system with professionally designed and installed medical interiors; 120 volt AC power supply; Cardiac monitor and defibrillator unit with manual defibrillation, ECG monitoring, external transcutaneous pacing, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring, temperature monitoring, SpO2 monitoring, respiration monitoring, CO2 monitoring, and invasive pressure monitoring; Transport ventilator with BiPAP and CPAP capabilities; Oxygen - sufficient for transport; Airway interventions including intubation, rapid sequence intubation, and surgical cricothyrotomy;Medications, including controlled substances, paralytics, and distinct transport medications;Intravenous fluids; Triple infusion pump; Suction units; Portable Ultrasound, Portable,Laboratory, Glucometer; Sager traction splint device; Cricothyrotomy kit; OB kit; Survival Bag; Computers for electronic charting; Cellular phones and satellite phones.A selection of over 50 medications is carried on each aircraft, including: Analgesics Anticonvulsants Benzodiazepines Sedatives Antianginals Antihistamines Beta Blockers Steroids Antianxiety Antihypertensives Bronchodilators Antiarrhythmics Antiemetics Diuretics Anticholinergics Antipsychotics Narcotics and other specialty drugs

Neonatal Capabilities //
Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
air ambulance neonatal trasnport panama
Cabin Interior //
Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Miami +1 786.619.1268 - México  01 800 681 1504  ​

Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
© 2022 by Jet Rescue
Med Jets SA de CV dba Jet Rescue Owns and Operates its Air Ambulance Fleet under Mexico AOC MTS/2015 .
Uet Rescue is an International Air Ambulance Service and Medical Transport company not a broker.
Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance - Marca CERO
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