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Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Air Ambulance Staff //

Jet Rescue has taken great care to recruit highly skilled, experienced Doctors, Registered Nurses, Respiratory Therapists and paramedics to serve on its flight teams. With the doctor and paramedic team, we provide emergency and intensive care that exceeds the capabilities normally found on other air ambulance providers. With an arsenal of over 50 medications, including paralytics for rapid sequence intubation, and the ability to provide critical care, patients receive the best possible care whether at the scene of an emergency or during interfacility transports.

Jet Rescue's expert medical teams follow industry best practices when treating medical emergencies. From initial contact until arrival at the receiving hospital, the lifesaving critical care Jet Rescue's teams provide is vitally important, especially in remote and rural areas where we fly. Our flight Medical Teams understand that each patient has unique, individual needs and they strive to deliver the best medical treatment during every patient mission.

Jet Rescue recognizes that quality care takes more than simply hiring the right people. It takes dedication to ongoing training and a robust quality improvement process. We have invested in both. Our Medical Director and clinical educator ensure that Jet Rescue’s medical teams have the training and education necessary to provide superior patient care based on the latest standards. Further, Jet Rescue’s quality improvement process assures that 100% of our patient charts are reviewed at multiple levels, including by our medical director. This active process results in continuous learning through education, training, case reviews, and regular feedback to our medical staff.

Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Flight Physicians //

Board Certified ICU physicians


​Jet Rescue´s medical department is led by our Medical Director.She is in charge of supervising the medical care provided by a team of ICU  flight doctors,paramedics,nurses and respiratory therapists.Their mission is to provide the highest quality medical care on board of our air ambulances.

Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Flight Paramedics //

Critical Care Paramedics


​Jet Rescue´s paramedics assist our flight Doctors in caring for our patients.They are trained to perform life saving procedures on scene an onboard our medical jets.

Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Flight Nurses/RT´s //

Critical Care Nurses and Respiratory Therapists


​Jet Rescue´s nurses and RT´s provide extraordinary care to patients requiring invasive monitoring or Ventilation support.

Medical Air Transport | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Pilots //



​Jet Rescue´s pilots qualificationsn assure that we operate safely at all times.

Their Qualifications include:

-Current FAA  or Equivalent Commercial Certificate with ASEL, AMEL and instrument ratings -Current FAA  or Equivalent Class I or II Medical Certificate

3500 hours total pilot time

3000 hours airplane PIC

1000 turbine flight hours

 No FAA  Equivalent accidents or incidents In addition to the above requirements, preferred candidates will have:ATP 5000 hours total pilot time Single Pilot Part 135 or  Equivalent and Air Ambulance experience

Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance

Miami +1 786.619.1268 - México  01 800 681 1504  ​

Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance
© 2022 by Jet Rescue
Med Jets SA de CV dba Jet Rescue Owns and Operates its Air Ambulance Fleet under Mexico AOC MTS/2015 .
Med Jets USA INC is an indirect air carrier authorized under U.S. Department of Transportation Order 83-1-36, 99 C.A.B. 801 (1983), and uses the services of licensed FAA Part 135 direct air carriers or foreign equivalent carriers, to meet the air ambulance or medical evacuation transportation needs of its clients. Med Jets USA  does not operate any aircraft. As an indirect air carrier, Med Jets USA INC contracts for the provision of air transportation services in its own name and coordinates the provision of medical services. All flights are operated by licensed direct air carriers. 
Worldwide Air Ambulance | Jet Rescue Air Ambulance - Marca CERO
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